Thursday, March 19, 2009

The Details...

March 18,2009
Abby Katheryn, 6 lbs 2 oz, 18 3/4 inches at 11:40am
Brooke Marie, 5 lbs 8 oz, 18 3/4 inches at 11:41am

My water broke at 12:02am, I called Michael at the station to come home and get his girls, then I called the Doctor to say we are on our way! A good friend Renia came and helped me get ready while Michael drove home. We arrived at the hospital at about 1:00am.

Contractions really kicked in about 1:30am. Labor increased and I progressed, about 6cm by 7:00am when my temperature started to rise and I asked for an epidural. The epidural helped me relax a bit but my temperature continued to rise very quickly. Just as quickly and high as my temperature rose so did both girls heart rates. At approximately 10:00am Michael and I were beginning to be concerned about their heart rates, shortly there after Dr. Kohn confirmed the concern.

We were very quickly prepped for c-section. The presence of Don Foster and Dr. Kohn brought a peace upon the Warmuth's. During surgery I was able to kiss each girl before they were taken to the NICU, it was clear they were having some trouble with infection and breathing. Michael was able to carry Brooke to the NICU and stay with both girls while all the assessments were taking place.

Abby was put on cpap machine, a stomach drain type of thing, and IV. She is likely battling pneumonia, her lung also was not collapsed but was not fully opening as it should.

Brooke was put under an oxygen tent and her IV was put in her cord because the feisty thing pulled out 3 IVs. She has a little less of infection and breathing troubles.

When they moved me out of recovery they drove my bed through the NICU so that I could see the girls and touch their hands and legs. This is when we called out to all of you for your prayers and support. Thank you!

At 4:00am today 3/19 they came to tell us that both girls were now on normal nasal oxygen cannula's and IVs, no other tubes or breathing assistance! PRAISE THE LORD! He has truly answered every prayer since they day we found out we were pregnant! I practically jumped into the wheel chair (thanks to the help of my awesome nurse Jamie Lemon) and was holding Abby within about 2 minutes! Then held Brooke for a while too. What an amazing moment to hold our girls in my arms and kiss their little faces!

After a little rest for all of us we were able to hold the girls again this morning and even tried nursing Brooke before lunch. By dinner time Abby wanted her chance at trying to nurse too. They are definitely sick and very tired so it may only be once or twice a day that we even get to try and nurse but what is most important is they are getting amazing care, lots of love and prayers, and getting better by the hour!

They are truly different little girls at their 24 hour birthday. Thank you Lord for your faithfulness and glory!


Mel said...

Yeah! We have loved reading the story unfolding. You are truly super-parents to have made it through this pregnancy and ended up with 2 6-lb babies. For most people, the hard part comes after they're born. For you, I think it will be getting easier!

I hope you can sit back for a minute and recognize the inevitable feeling of being a little lost, a little out of control, a lot of learning. Very, very soon, you will feel like pros. For now, let the nurses help you do the work! Enjoy the learning.

They say that after 6 weeks, new parents and experienced parents are the same.

Much love,

Jewel said...

We are thrilled for you guys!! So awesome to watch God work in your little family... We are praying for you and loving you all!! :)