Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Tooooooo cute!!!

Took these photos for the friend that made these hats for the girls. She is going to auction some of her work to raise funds for a missions trip. Thought these photos are so cute they needed immediate posting! Note - the only way to wear a beanie in August is if you are naked!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

More videos!

Abby isn't sure if she is being kicked in the face or if she has found a new chew toy!

Tummy time!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Brooke isn't sure if she wants to laugh or scream!

Abby laughs for the very first time, what a special day!

Schneider Love!!!

We are so blessed by Tommy, Debi, Sarah, and Bear.
You can see the love!
Thank you Jesus!

Ahhh, a perfect Vail Valley summer evening.

Yummy toes!
Playtime with Bear
Brooke & Bear

4 months was fun!

Abby vs. the vacuum - Abby wins!
Brooke's new favorite activity (look at that hair)!
Abby is snuggling with mommy while she is working!
The cupcake twins rolled out of tummy time in to the same position.
Watching TV in our pj's!

Wildflower Garden

Before = dirt & weeds During = Dad doing a lot of hard work, babies sleeping, mom enjoying sparkling water!
The end!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Monkeys, Sunglasses, & A New Mini Van

Abby & Monkey
Abby & Mommy - story time

Abby loves her Monkey

Brooke styling in her new sunglasses!

Abby is fashionable with her new sunglasses on her head instead of protecting her eyes!

Chubby cheeks Brooke!

The new mini van makes on the go diaper changes a lot easier!