Monday, July 13, 2009

Day 13 / Day 117

What a difference 104 days make:
104 days make a difference, but not without an amazing husband who has been here for the three us of every second that is humanly possible, countless hugs, prayers, cuddles, and laundry done by the Schneider Family, visits from grandmas and Auntie, walks, talks, prayers, meals, and love from countless friends who have touched our hearts, blessed our lives, and literally allowed us to survive 104 days... looking forward to sharing the next 104 with you...


Joe said...

We are glad you are doing such a good job sharing them with us that can't be there directly. We are so happy for you and I can just feel the good things that are to come for such a wonderful family.

JOE, Kate and "A"

Jen said...

Love it! Thanks for sharing your milestones!!