Wednesday, June 3, 2009

B is for Blowout!

I am sure for seasoned parents these photos will not be shocking. For a first time mom at a friends house for dinner let me tell you this was SHOCKING!!! Within about 1 minute of me saying oh how cute I think she is going poo we ended up at this!
Question - When you are not at home and do not have immediate access to a bath, how in the world are you supposed to get the onesie over their head without making a bigger mess!

I cut it off!!! Sorry to whomever blessed us by gifting it to us, I was desperate!


Unknown said...

You start rolling it up from the bottom... tight little rolls so that by the time it gets to going over her head, the poo-y part is nicely rolled up on the inside. I've seen a few of these in my time. Although I will admit, this is pretty bad! :)

Helena Parker said...

From someone who is not a mom, I would have guessed cutting it off was the best bet. :-)

Jose Family said...

I tackled it by rolling up as well...then trash. No washing machine should have to go through that torture.
She must feel so much better :)

Jose Family said...

I tackled it by rolling up as well...then trash. No washing machine should have to go through that torture.
She must feel so much better :)

Mel said...

Reece had blow outs that ran all the way up his neck and down to his shoulders. Seriously.

The rolling idea is very smart, but I never thought of it.

I just did my best to get it off, then took him to the bathroom for a bit of a spot-rinse. The real clean came later, but he didn't seem to mind ;)

Jewel said...

liHow funny, Heather... You will become an old pro at the blowouts in no time!! Especially with twice as much practice!! :) I can remember Claire doing that right before her first dr. appt. Just after I got her all cleaned up and into her 2nd cutest outfit, she projectile barfed all over the 2 of us!! I was a mess that morning to say the least!! I have for sure had my share of "rolling the poopy outfit, stretching out the neck trying to get it over the head and tossed in a zip lock bag" situations... Potty training is almost as fun!! :) Miss you and love you, cousin...