Friday, December 25, 2009

1+1=4 Christmas

ERFPD Christmas

We were so blessed to have lunch with the Fire Department!
Brooke was on the table as a gift in the gift exchange. She lost a shoe, Danny was helping put it back on, Dada picked her as his gift!

Christmas With The Schneider's

Abby, Brooke, and I had a cozy fun morning with the Schneider Family!
My most perfect birthday cappuccino being served to me as I sit by the fire!

More photos to come... there are some amazing ones on the Schneider's camera!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve

Calvary Chapel Vail Valley Christmas Eve Candlelight Service
Moms & Daughters

Our 1st Christmas

We celebrated our 1st Christmas on the 23rd before "Dada" went to work. Abby & Brooke had fun playing with and eating the paper. Not sure they really cared about the books. Michael and I had a really special evening with our girls. It was wonderful, cozy, fun, filled with laughs, giggles, Brooke's new squeal, and even a few screams for more.
Merry Christmas!


Brookes loves Mrs. Cotton!
Brooke likes to lick the floor! I can't get her to eat peas but she will eat carpet and wood floor! Go figure!

Dada isn't sure what the date is!

His itouch keeps telling him it is July 1970! Our mom wasn't even born yet! We want it to be December 23, 2009 so we can celebrate Christmas with Dada!

Friday, December 18, 2009

What do you do when it is 22 degrees out... go to the park, of course! All you need is the Chariot and two happy babies, ok maybe some snowsuits and blankets too!

I am so sad that by next Spring they will be too big to go in the swing together! What a fun time we had this afternoon!

Christmas Bowl

Rather than attempt to baby proof a Christmas Tree we have created the Christmas Bowl!

Growing Girls!

Abby likes to roll everywhere!

Brooke already attempting to escape, I thought that came a lot later...

Brooke really wants to crawl!

Practicing standing or is it practicing changing the channel? Not really sure which, Abby loves both!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

CCVV Christmas Party

Brooke and Abby go to their first Christmas Party! The Calvary Chapel Vail Valley Staff, Board, and Elders, Family Party. As you can see Abby is delighted to see Sarah!

We will take the table for 48 with the view please!
Brooke W., Sarah, and Brooke B.
Hmmmm, how am I going to get that napkin from Pastor Stephen?
Hey, they just stole Nancy's gift...again!
Ahhh, someone (Pastor Stephen) left their water bottle where I could reach it!