Saturday, April 4, 2009

Mom status...

Just a quick update to tell you that I am doing really good! I just walked to a neighbors house to return a dish (that was filled with yummy soup when we received it) and check the mail. The girls were left in the loving care of Aunt Helena.

AND my awesome north face knee length puffy buttoned all the way up and around my belly! That was a vein but fun moment of celebration. Not so happy with 2 feet of snow in 2 days but fun to wear my favorite winter coat one last time this season and actually have it fit!

It seems like all post partum symptoms and issues are on the mend. I look forward to being off all the meds and feeling back to myself. In the mean time I will rejoice with each day that I feel a little better and give praise to the answered prayers!

Thank you for the love and support and giving us the time and space we have needed to heal.

1 comment:

Jen said...

That's great news! Thanks for the update!! And I loved the pregnant look in the puffy coat, but can imagine how wonderful it was to button it up:)