Saturday, April 4, 2009

Aunt Helena's Facebook

If you are on facebook and can see Aunt Helena's facebook via Michael's page it is worth a look! Even though she got up at 4:00am yesterday to fly here, took a 3 hour shuttle in a crazy snow storm, immediately got to help by doing grocery shopping, starting help with feedings, stayed up for the 3am and 6am feeding, made lunch, has done all the dishes, a load of laundry, and is already cooking dinner, she has managed to take great photos, and make some really good facebook updates!


Monica said...

Heather, so happy you are feeling good. It is an amazing miricle which you and Michael have recieved and experienced. What fun to have Aunt Helena visit and jump right in with joy in her heart for you all. Be on the lookout at your doorstep for a box from the Dugan's!! Have fun with "L'il Sister" and Hugs and kisses from all of us. Monica

Mel said...

That is a good sister - yeah for Helena!
Now Aunt Melodie wants to come visit, too.
(Yes, I'm taking the "aunt" title because "second cousin" is way too remote-sounding.)